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Chicago Meat Packers

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Chicago Meat Packers

This new video from Bijou shows us that those hot studs in the Midwest sure know how to employ those bodies, especially when they have a boss that knows how to handle his men. Thick-cocked and spicy Maxx plays the unrelenting slave-driving boss of the Chicago Meat Packers, who proves once and for all, that all it takes is a good boss to make the men work harder. With his hand-picked work power, all in prime physical condition, its surprising that not a lot of work actually gets done...well, work that doesn't involve the meat they're packing, that is. After Maxx enjoys the view of his naked workers from his office window, he then entices his workers up to the office to satisfy his lustful fantasies.

Duration: 61 minutes

Directed by: Butch Detroit 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Chicago Meat Packers :
 • Tyler Edwards  • Austin Black  • Cougar Cash  • Tony Montana  • Joshua Scott  • Maxx


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