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Downward Spiral

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Downward Spiral

Sandy's living a normal happy life with her wealthy husband, working as a flight attendant. One day, after landing, she catches a taxi to her hotel and the creepy taxi driver takes Sandy to a deserted broken-down factory where he robs her and throws her out of the taxi, leaving her stranded amongst the dusty old factory buildings...this is where the story begins.

Duration: 115 minutes
From the series: Private Blockbuster
Directed by: Andrew Youngman Major 
Studio: Private Media 

Watch these pornstars in Downward Spiral :
 • Sandy Fantasy  • Bambi  • Leslie Taylor  • Cayenne Klein  • Bruno Sx  • Kid Jamaica  • Sophie Moon  • Simony Diamond  • Ram  • Bob Terminator  • Nikki Rider  • Bridgett  • Boo (m)  • Nick Lang  • Zafira  • Cindy Hope  • Eve Angel  • Kyra Black  • Zenza Raggi  • Caty Cambel  • Leanna Sweet  • Sza Sza  • Frank Gun  • James Brossman


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