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Director's Cut

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Director's Cut

Peach is known for being one of the top purveyors of erotic entertainment, and in this program the company's adult auteurs choose their favorite scenes. Not only do the selections burst with bountiful bosoms and acres of delectable flesh, the directors also provide commentary that offers a peak at what goes on behind the scenes with Zoe Britton, Erika Jordan, Jamie Lynn, and many others.

Duration: 65 minutes

Studio: Peach DVD 

Watch these pornstars in Director's Cut :
 • Erika Jordan  • Karlie Montana  • Lisa Daniels  • Jamie Lynn  • Christine Vinson  • Zoe Britton  • Lux Kassidy  • Tylene Buck  • Alexa Rae  • Sandee Westgate  • Teanna Kai  • Valentina Vaughn


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