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ShowGuys 295: Matthew James, Jay Lexxx And Malachi Sebastian

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ShowGuys 295: Matthew James, Jay Lexxx And Malachi Sebastian

The scene opens with a tight shot of a hot ass in see-through underwear with the word POWER BOTTOM across the rear. And this is how Malachi Sebastian announces what is going to happen during the scene with Matthew James and Jay Lexxx. The studs, (all three in their underwear), start out with much kissing and feeling around. Malachi liberates Matthews dick from his shorts and almost instantly sucks it into a full, and (as always) impressive erection.

Duration: 47 minutes
From the series: Showguys
Directed by: Sam Linnell 

Watch these pornstars in ShowGuys 295: Matthew James, Jay Lexxx And Malachi Sebastian :
 • Malachi Sebastian  • Matthew James  • Jay Lexxx


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