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The Adventures In Babysitting

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The Adventures In Babysitting

Counseled not to enter the baby's room unless it's an absolute emergency, two luscious babysitters play naked twister just outside the nursery... until they hear the inevitable crying. When they enter, they find one big, hairy, grown-up baby. And they soothe him... starting with a nipple, of course. Then there's the story of two fey man servants who must please two spoiled nieces before their parents come home... or they'll lose the gig forever. The result? Three facials. Two anal. And Kayden at your service. Ready to sit, baby?

Duration: 116 minutes

Directed by: Chuck Lords 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment Vivid Ha 

Watch these pornstars in The Adventures In Babysitting :
 • Savannah Stern  • Kelli Tyler  • Jack Lawrence  • Mae Victoria  • Leah Jaye  • Kayden Kross  • Nick Manning  • McKenzee Miles  • Steven St. Croix  • Justin Magnum


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