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Soaked, Armed And Hammered

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Soaked, Armed And Hammered

A group of hot blooded pigs gets together and enact three of their fantasies: a lazy painter is made to service his boss and the rest of the painting crew; a carpenter is tied to a ladder, pissed on and used as a cum dump by his fellow workmen; and one of the workmen is tossed in the sling, bred, fisted, pissed on, and his buddies' cum is fisted deep into his guts

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Dick Wadd 
Studio: Dick Wadd 

Watch these pornstars in Soaked, Armed And Hammered :
 • Thomas Steel  • Jock Brandon  • Marcelo Masko  • A.J. Long  • Michael Bigone  • CJ Michaels  • Brandon Easton


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