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Latter-Day Sinners

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Latter-Day Sinners

Watch how the LDS guys spread the word while their parents are away! Randy and Ethan were the sons that all parents dreamed of. Well-behaved, kind, and courteous by default, and devout to their families religious devotions. One day, mom left our brothers with some clear instructions; do their chores, make their rounds, but most importantly, no girls! So per instructions, the boys vowed to follow the rules, but mom never said anything about guys! Join the LDS guys as they invite their friends (with benefits) over, and show them how Latter Day Sinners spend their time when their folks are away!

Duration: 83 minutes

Directed by: Grady Rilo 
Studio: HellHouse Video 

Watch these pornstars in Latter-Day Sinners :
 • Cole Parker  • Jake Galloway  • Ethan Evans  • Karmon Hardon  • Randy Galloway  • Rico Sparxx


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