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Married Man Fantasies 2

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Married Man Fantasies 2

When Tommy Manns bride calls in to check on him while on a weekend visit with her mother, the talk soon turns to sex and as soon as he gets off the phone he lays down on the sofa and you get to watch as this hot groom rubs one out thinking of his bride. Long time, married father of two Enrique Currero decides to hire a new personal trainer for his wife. Trainer Stewart Wellington applies and after a brief interview it becomes obvious this trainer likes training men as well as women. Andy blue decides that before he gets married he wants to try something new. Watch as this young stud learns the joys of anal action and playing with toys! Newly married best friends Tommy Mann and John Rosita are left on there own while their wives go to a baby shower. After a couple of beers John is beginning to notice that Tommy is as pretty as a girl and before too long a drunken John is pounding the married and equally drunk Tommy for what turns out to be one of the hottest sexual encounters they young newlyweds have ever experienced! Happily married Rex Roddick spends all day working in the yard of their new home. Hot and sweaty and with his wife shopping, Rex goes inside and before you can say honey Im home, Rex has satisfied himself to satisfaction!

Duration: 94 minutes
From the series: Married Man Fantasies
Directed by: Maverick 
Studio: Media Vanguard 

Watch these pornstars in Married Man Fantasies 2 :
 • Tom Mandino  • Rex Roddick  • Steward Wellington  • Enrique  • Andy Blue


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