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JackBuddies 52: Two Basically Straight Men, One Takes One For The

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JackBuddies 52: Two Basically Straight Men, One Takes One For The

This video has 2 very hot men that are basically straight. Though each had done a lot of solo and toys shoots, this is their first 3 shoots with another man and you can see they're nervous and apprehensive at first. You will also see that change! They warm up considerably and Dennis almost drowns Clay when he shoots on his face several times! I shot these awhile back and was still playing with camera angles, exposures and such, so please forgive some minor technical glitches and just watch the hot straight men suck and fuck!

Duration: 103 minutes
From the series: JackBuddies
Directed by: Mark Gemini 
Studio: Gemini Studios 

Watch these pornstars in JackBuddies 52: Two Basically Straight Men, One Takes One For The :
 • The Hand  • Dennis  • Clay


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