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Blackhattan 2: Stickin' Tha' Dickin'

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Blackhattan 2: Stickin' Tha' Dickin'

"Blackhattan 2 is a true story based on the cum-dripping exploits of the horny black men of New York City who get their freaks on at all times of the day and night as the city goes about its business! Clever fucks Billy Hughes. Sevyn and Nigel get into it with a mututal oral session. Then, Tygar fucks Antoine romantically. Finally J-Buck fucks Shortie in a manner of positions and heavy action. If hot hung and fierce roughneck realness gets your stick thick as a brick, director Ford and his bastion of banjee guys are a good bet.

Duration: 89 minutes
From the series: Blackhattan
Directed by: Christopher Ford 
Studio: Video Ten 

Watch these pornstars in Blackhattan 2: Stickin' Tha' Dickin' :
 • Nigel  • Clever  • Sevyn  • J-Buck  • Billy Hughes  • Shortie  • Tyger Would  • Antoine


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