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The four stories in "Four-Play" illustrate how some men can turn almost any situation into a perfect opportunity for sex! First, it's the middle of the night and Alain DuPont notices that Joey Lismir's jerking off in the next bed. Alain quickly offers a helping hand, then gets Joey to top for him. Next, Alexandre Plientemps runs into his friend Suny Tessier buying soda at the store and invites him back home where Suny tops Alexandre, quenching more then his thirst. Then, Nicky Wells thinks he's safe in bed until Kevin La Peltrie breaks in to rob him. Nicky gets the upper hand and plays tops and robbers with the would be thief. Finally, Victor Henri is a boss who gets the tables turned on him when he abuses his employee Matieu Tailon one too many times. Matieu tops Victor over the washing machine!

Duration: 74 minutes

Directed by: David Collins 
Studio: Video Ten 

Watch these pornstars in Four-Play :
 • Joey Lismir  • Matieu Taillon  • Alain DuPont  • Victor Henri  • Nicky Wells  • Kevin La Peltrie  • Alexandre Pleintemps  • Suny Tessier


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