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Grip And Cram Johnson's Cuckold 4

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Grip And Cram Johnson's Cuckold 4

Imagine the horror of being stripped naked for the amusement of your wife and her black bull, your tiny, shriveled cock on display against his long, massive unit. Imagine the humiliation of having your wife reject your love, devotion and money in favor of an unemployed ex-con. Imagine the fear of getting a beat down by your wife's gang affiliated black lover should you protest the affair. Now, imagine the joy of reveling in your own inadequacies as your wife stains her soul with dirty black cum. It's all here. And, it's all based on true tales of cuckoldry.

Duration: 138 minutes
From the series: Grip And Cram Johnson's Cuckold

Studio: Chatsworth Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Grip And Cram Johnson's Cuckold 4 :
 • Emma Cummings  • Guy DiSilva  • Dino Bravo  • Seth Gecko  • Jessica Right  • D-Snoop  • Samantha Sin  • Jon Jon  • Byron Long  • Lindsay Kay  • Johnny Thrust  • Dirty Harry


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