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Punished Schoolgirls

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Punished Schoolgirls

The girls at the Youngstown Reform School think they're pretty tough, but Headmistress Tara has a rather severe method of breaking them. It involves the application of any number of her wicked canes to their bare, naked, tender buns. Students Fiona and Mei Ling sneak into the mistress' office, trash it and smoke cigarettes (putting the butts out on the floor.) When Tara discovers them, their cute girlish asses receive a violent dose of caning they'll not soon forget. Finally, a new girl arrives at the school. Cute, slutty, 18 year old biker chick Arianna. It's a battle of wills between her and the headmistress until Tara bares the girl's perfectly shaped buttocks and we hear the whirl and crack of her wicked cane striking tender, butt flesh. Suddenly, cute, curvaceous Arianna isn't so tough.

Duration: 59 minutes

Directed by: Rick Savage 
Studio: Legend Noose Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Punished Schoolgirls :
 • Fiona  • Ariana  • Mistress Tara Indiana  • Mei Ling


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