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Randy, Doctor Randy And The Unsuspecting Patient

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Randy, Doctor Randy And The Unsuspecting Patient

Poor innocent Brina needed a physical but things didn't feel quite right. Acting like a brat and trying to refuse just didn't work. In the end, Brina submitted to Dr. Randy's extreme and unusual procedures. Before your eyes and under Dr. Randy's educated hand Brina's hot juices begin to flow. Dr. Randy probes prods and examines Brina's most private parts. Watch as Brina crawls to Dr. Randy only to be positioned on her back with her legs over her head for her first enema. After she is taken to the toilet its back to the examination table for another huge enema. It's only after all she endures that she finds out that Dr. Randy isn't really a doctor at all but the buildings handy man.

Duration: 53 minutes

Studio: HydroMadam's Homepage 

Watch these pornstars in Randy, Doctor Randy And The Unsuspecting Patient :
 • Little Joe  • Brina James


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