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Hitchhiker Girls In Heat - French

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Hitchhiker Girls In Heat - French

What husband who sets off driving to meet up with his wife on vacation hasn't dreamed of having steamy encounters along the way? This is exactly what happened to Franois, who kicks off his journey by meeting two Danish hitchhikers in heat -- and finishes it worn out by all the beautiful sluts that lined the road. Drop-dead beauties, bitches-to-go, abound in this film. The steamy climax of the journey is reached with the fascinating BRIGITTE LAHAIE, expert in pleasures of all kinds. A huge hit from the golden age of France's "Cinma x" era, this film debuted in Paris on June 27, 1979 in ALPHA-FRANCE theaters.

Duration: 77 minutes

Directed by: Burd Tranbaree 

Watch these pornstars in Hitchhiker Girls In Heat - French :
 • Lucie Doll  • Cathy Stewart  • Guy Royer  • Brigitte Verbecq  • Liliane Lemieuvre  • Brigitte Lahaie  • Richard Allan  • Karine Gambier  • Jacques Couderc


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