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Educating Princess

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Educating Princess

Higher education gets a new look as Princess and Traci are held in detention to 'learn the ropes' as it were. These deluded damsels thought they were being graded on the curve. They certainly had enough curve to give them an unfair advantage. But it's their minds their professor is interested in as she tightly wraps their delicate wrists and ankles in cords, as she binds their curvaceous semi nude bodies to their chairs or across her own desk. They may squirm and struggle against their ever constricting bindings, they may cry into their gags. But they will not be released until the professor is satisfied they have learned their lessons well.

Duration: 54 minutes

Studio: Calstar 

Watch these pornstars in Educating Princess :
 • Traci Prince  • Princess  • Candy


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