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Swamp Fever

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Swamp Fever

Becky and Ellie never did get along. These two hot women of the bayou have their own peculiar way of settling their differences. Instead of fighting, Becky just gets out the old ropes and puts her Cajun cousin in a bind. If one bondage tie doesn't cool Ellie down, Becky will just remove some of her clothes and tie her up in another position. This goes on again and again until Ellie is naked and fit to be tied. Eventually Becky gets careless, and Ellie gets her revenge. Now it's Becky that's wearing almost nothing except ropes and they are really tight. Why can't these girls just get along?

Duration: 54 minutes

Studio: Calstar 

Watch these pornstars in Swamp Fever :
 • Bridgette Aime  • Angella Faith


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