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Cat Alley

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Cat Alley

A brash business tycoon is enjoying some afternoon delights with a high-priced call girl when he drops dead of a heart attack. So begins this torrid tale of boardrooms, bedrooms and bawdy bliss. It seems that the dead man was on the board of directions of international conglomerate Global Consolidated. The company is left without a leader with his untimely, to say nothing of arousing, demise. But when his will is read, it seems that hes named Krista Lane as his successor! Her lack of credentials might make her seem a strange choice, until you catch a load of her other assets. Peter North comes into the erotic equation as Kristas nemesis. Hes determined not to let a woman into his boardroom, unless its one with the lip-smacking oral skills of buxom beauty Bunny Bleu. The plot thickens, the pulses quicken and the writhing bodies pile up as the film builds to an explosive finale.

Duration: 89 minutes

Studio: Gourmet Video Collection 

Watch these pornstars in Cat Alley :
 • Jerry Butler  • Chuck Martino  • Tom Byron  • Je T'Amie  • Candy Evans  • Peter North  • Krista Lane  • Steve Drake  • Bunny Bleu


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