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Body Heat

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Body Heat

Horny displays of sexual activity fill the island of Crete as the heat rises and the boys head to the beach to pick up one or two of the fittest young fuckers around. You can almost smell the testosterone flying as these gorgeous bronzed Czech boys play around both indoors and out, having the time of their lives, surrounded by all their fit friends. Their sexual energies get too much and they cant wait to pound into each others faces, arses and dumping thick loads of cum over each others toned bodies.

Duration: 125 minutes

Directed by: Vlado Iresch 
Studio: Staxus Collection 

Watch these pornstars in Body Heat :
 • James Byron  • Franco Conti  • Clay Osborne  • Nikandro Sideropulos  • Jerry Brand  • Matt Woody  • Kevin Brodey  • Mike Rosini  • Johan Volny  • Alex Stevens  • Thomas Dyk  • Philip Richmond


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