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Grip And Cram Johnson's Mandinka Parties

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Grip And Cram Johnson's Mandinka Parties

In the antebellum South, slaves from the West African tribe Mandinka were highly prized and bred for their strength and virility. Today, slavery is regrettably a thing of the past. But for affluent white couples willing to spend freely to fulfill their most taboo fantasies, the "Mandingos" remain a valued and attainable commodity. You've read about it in the mainstream media and diffidently discussed it by the water cooler at work, but now Grip & Cram Johnson invite you to witness the secret world of "Mandingo Parties", interracial gangbangs orchestrated by white husbands for their Negro-loving white wives to get thoroughly "mutted." Enjoy!

Duration: 94 minutes
From the series: Mandinka Parties
Directed by: Cram and Grip Johnson 
Studio: Chatsworth Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Grip And Cram Johnson's Mandinka Parties :
 • Toby Hillcrest  • Dirty Harry  • Holly Wellin  • Guy DiSilva  • D-Snoop  • Lee Bang  • Ginger Blaze  • Byron Long  • Aaralyn Barra  • Johnny Thrust  • Nathan Threat


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