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Mika's Bitch

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Mika's Bitch

Spread wide for 68 minutes of blonde bitchy Femdom humiliation with Mistress Mika as She teases and tantalizes cum slut Tosha until he has blue balls and then impales him on the end of Her strap-on. Continuous flaunting of Her pussy in his face while he is helpless drives Tosha mad with lust. Her foot on his balls and heavy use of the crop help keep him straight. Mistress Mika, in jeans skirt and black patent pumps, drools spit onto the floor in front of a hog tied cum slut Tosha. She orders him to wiggle, find and lick Her spit off the floor. She then spits on Her high heel and has him perform shoe service. The bound slut struggles and humiliates himself at Her feet. She moves behind him and shoves a pig tailed dildo up his ass and then sits back down for some more amusement at his expense. Released from his hog tie, he is tied up with pantyhose by Mistress Mika. Mistress Mika has Tosha perform foot worship and then She fills his nostrils with the smell of Her sweaty high heels before wiggling out of Her jeans skirt to reveal crotchless pantyhose and having him kiss Her ass. She spanks his face with Her black high heels and tells him what a dirty pervert he is down deep. He is tossed on the bed and trampled up and down.

Duration: 68 minutes

Directed by: Steve Lake 
Studio: Lakeview Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Mika's Bitch :
 • Cum Slut Tosha  • Mistress Mika


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