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Milfs Take Diesel

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Milfs Take Diesel

We've got MILFs...we've got Shane...this can't be good news. And with the biggest black sausage in the market, these moms are in for a big surprise. Kitty Langdon and Maria Belucci get their pussies stretched to the max, while Kylie Worthy and Druuna scream for mercy when Shane splits their slits. Finally, watch Lorelei take one for the team as Shane beams her butthole to another century. It's bad news for these sexy moms, because these MILFs are taking Diesel.. and they're taking it deep!

Duration: 142 minutes
From the series: MILFS Take Diesel
Directed by: Shane Diesel 
Studio: Vengeance XXX 

Watch these pornstars in Milfs Take Diesel :
 • Kylie Worthy  • Lorelei Lee  • Kitty Langdon  • Maria Bellucci  • Shane Diesel  • Druuna


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