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Fresh Outta High School 5

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Fresh Outta High School 5

These girls are fresh out of high school, and they think that they're so cool. So what did we do? We shoved a cock in their face and told them to shut the fuck up. Mackenzee Pierce, Cassidy Essence, and Lexi Belle get fucked until their faces turn red. While Jessica Valentino and Ashlynn Brooke get put in check when their pussies get ripped and wrecked. So grab your pen and take some notes, because there's just some things you can't learn in school!

Duration: 130 minutes
From the series: Fresh Outta High School
Directed by: Greg Lansky 
Studio: Digital Sin 

Watch these pornstars in Fresh Outta High School 5 :
 • Kurt Lockwood  • Mark Ashley  • Mr. Pete  • Jessica Valentino  • Ashlynn Brooke  • Cassidy Essence  • John Strong  • Mackenzee Pierce  • Erik Everhard  • Lexi Belle


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