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Rocco's Intimacy 2

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Rocco's Intimacy 2

This line is where John "Buttman" Stagliano thinks his long time star, Rocco, is at his best - one on one, with a girl in a context where he can put his really big, Italian cock to best use. Rocco and Buttman have followed a simple formula for porn success - go to a developing country, preferably one that begins with a B or an R (or an H or C), and pick very hot women, and fuck them. The focus in this tape is on Russian teens, apparently all in college at a nearby school, who stop by Rocco's room in St. Petersburg where he fucks and sucks them in a very low key, intimate manner. Standouts are Gabanna (Scene 1), who is unshaved, Lerica (Scene 2) who has a great ass, Yulya (Scene 3), who shows a body carved by "fitness" Russian style, 18 year old Madison (Scene 6), and Dasha (Scene 7), who is a dirty blond with a really beautiful, natural body.

Duration: 164 minutes
From the series: Rocco's Intimacy
Directed by: Rocco Siffredi 
Studio: Rocco Siffredi Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Rocco's Intimacy 2 :
 • Pandora Bailey  • Yulia  • Lerika  • Dana  • Jane Dee  • Frisky Cat  • Samantha Stewart  • Rocco Siffredi  • Madison Parker  • Trisha  • Gabanna


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