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Cupid's Arrow

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Cupid's Arrow

The myth lustily lives on! The God of Love is alive and loose in modern suburbia! A deranged stockbroker decides that there isn't enough love in the world, so he's gonna give it some. Transforming himself into the mythical character, he goes out into the world equipped with a toy dart gun that possesses the power of passion. This zany spoof takes place in his neighbor's house, where love has been lacking. After entering their house and shooting a dart of desire into a bowl of fruit, knowing that those who gobble will wobble, he slips away unseen. The action begins when Mrs. Suburbia eats an apple and then tries to eat her ho-hum husband. Friend after fruit-eating friend takes lust into their own hands when eating Cupid's fire inducing fruit. After unpeeling a banana, they're unpeeling their clothes! This is one loose legend you won't want to myth.

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Drea 
Studio: LBO VCR 

Watch these pornstars in Cupid's Arrow :
 • Lisa De Leeuw  • Dino Alexander  • Jerry Davis  • Karen Summer  • Robert Bullock  • Rose Marie


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