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Katie K

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Katie K

Katie K. has a nice, bubbly personality and she likes to chat to the camera. She seems to delight in the fact that she is about to do something very cheeky by giving herself an orgasm and letting us watch it! Katie gets undressed on camera and coyly turns around to remove her bra saying Im not going to let you see! But, of course, she does! And she discusses the fact that she thinks her breasts have actually grown lately because they just feel bigger in her hands! She has quite the personality. After she removes her boots, she turns around to pull off her jeans and shakes her bum for the camera! Katie lets us know that shes already really wet because she has been watching videos and she says she really, really genuinely likes porn. She reaches for a pocket rocket and runs it over her nipples and across her tummy. With her panties still on, she uses the toy on her pussy and clit. She notes that she is so horny! She finally removes her panties to reveal a completely shaved pussy, except for the Brazilian air strip at the top. She describes her wetness and goo in her pants. Once she places the pocket rocket on her clit and pussy, she says she is not going to last long! She closes her eyes and starts to concentrate a bit more on her orgasm. She spreads her lips apart with one hand and uses the toy with the other. It really doesnt take long for Katie K. to reach a nice, powerful, perfectly visible contracting and even squirting orgasm! She says she has never squirted before and asks for a copy of the video because that is the first time shes ever done that. Then, the doorbell rings! And she waves good-bye.

Duration: 47 minutes
From the series: Real Female Orgasms - Femorg

Studio: FemOrg 

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