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Gag The Fag 4

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Gag The Fag 4

Rudy just turned 18. He was sick of his job at McDonald's and now that he was an adult, he wanted to do something new and exciting. Now let's see: What kind of work does every young fag dream about? Working for a large corporation and someday becoming the CEO? Nah. Joining the military and serving his country? Wrong again. Hanging his skull upside-down and getting hammered by a huge cock for all of the world to watch? Absolutely!

Duration: 73 minutes
From the series: Gag the Fag
Directed by: Mark Raymond 

Watch these pornstars in Gag The Fag 4 :
 • Jorge Armada  • Eryk Elliot  • Erik Eriksen  • Tony Romano  • Mike Hawk  • Rudy  • Christian Hunt


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