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Milf Lovin' 2

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Milf Lovin' 2

These bodacious MILFS know how to fuck and do it well. Come with the goods or stay at home because these gals demand nothing less. If you can't keep up, you get left behind. So in golfing parlance, stroke play is where it's at. If you're not stroking well, you can't sink a putt. So get off the greens, and move over for someone else to play their ball on this smooth, silky grass. These hot babes are a good lie (oops, lay). If you're not packing the right irons, wedges or wood(ies), pick up your balls and go home, because these hotties are playing for keeps.

Duration: 123 minutes
From the series: Milf Lovin'

Studio: Outrageous 

Watch these pornstars in Milf Lovin' 2 :
 • Nicki Hunter  • Cailey Taylor  • Ben English  • Candy Manson  • Vickie Powell  • Gianna Michaels  • Tony T.  • Sarah Jade  • Anthony Hardwood  • James Deen


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