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Please Bang My Wife

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Please Bang My Wife

My Wife's Pimp sets up a date with two Johns for a few hours. I ask if I can watch but complain how she has to embarrass me in front of her lovers. She has me lap her cunt getting it cleaned before her lovers arrive and tells to do as I am told. As soon as the studs arrive they get naked and throw her on the bed. She takes cocks down her throat as the other stud shoves his fist into her sloppy cunt. As they use my wife in front of me I am told to watch as they abuse my wife. They abuse her holes with toys, fist and cock. She is moaning and begging for more. They end up dumping two loads in her ass and I am told to lap their whore clean.

Duration: 50 minutes

Directed by: Babs 
Studio: Babs Video Production 

Watch these pornstars in Please Bang My Wife :
 • Jed  • J  • Babs


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