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Teenage Madam

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Teenage Madam

This feature takes you on a trip through the heads of the madam and her stable of working ladies via a young and naive psychiatrist. The doctor meets Rose (Desire West), a madam of a brothel. He arranges to meet her and her ladies on an intellectual basis to discuss their innermost thoughts as to why they do what they do. The doctor arrives at the brothel and is greeted by one of the ladies. She escorts him through the house, showing him what is going on, while trying to locate Rose. When they locate her she introduces him to each of the ladies. Dr. Gonad talks to each separately and each takes him back to their past. That is, their first sexual encounter, where you are treated to flashbacks of steamy detail. Desire West and John Holmes shine in this all-time classic!

Duration: 56 minutes

Directed by: Rik Taziner 
Studio: Gourmet Video Collection 

Watch these pornstars in Teenage Madam :
 • Desiree West  • John Seeman  • Kristine Heller  • Sheba Silas  • Vicky Kaufman  • Laurie Saint  • Paul Thomas  • Jack Wright  • John Holmes  • Bonnie Holiday


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