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Father Knows Best

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Father Knows Best

Frumpy, divorced father Doug (NICK MARINO) is interrupted from a pleasant sleep by a phone call from his daughter (BRIANNA STARR), calling from college. She wants to visit him and introduce him to someone...her fianc, Stephen (TORY MASON). Doug is surprised, but agrees. When the couple arrives, he is immediately taken by the handsome young man, and at dinner, Doug keeps fantasizing that Stephen is coming on to him. Some small talk about fishing encourages his daughter to suggest a fishing trip between the two men, and Doug reluctantly agrees. Later that night, Doug catches a glimpse of Stephen jacking off in the bathroom. This leads him to indulge in a fantasy about two men (ZACKARY PIERCE and TRISTAN MATHEWS) having sex. They chide him about repressing his homosexual urges.

Duration: 91 minutes

Directed by: Jett Blakk 
Studio: Dirty Bird Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Father Knows Best :
 • Tyler Riggz  • Nick Marino  • Levi  • Brianna Starr  • Zackary Pierce  • Tristan Matthew  • Tory Mason  • Jordan Vaughn


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