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Passion In Venice

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Passion In Venice

In a city filled with romantic trysts and midnight liaisons, follow one woman's story as she tries to become acclimated to the spontaneous couplings that happen all around her! Juli Ashton stars as a business woman on her first trip to Venice who attempts to make deals with clientele who are more interested with what's in her briefs than what's in her briefcase! Magnificently shot on location in Venice, Italy.

Duration: 110 minutes

Directed by: Cameron Grant Joe D'amato 
Studio: Adam & Eve 

Watch these pornstars in Passion In Venice :
 • Backey Jakic  • Juli Ashton  • Deborah Wells  • Mark Davis  • Bernadette Manfredi  • Valentina Velasquez  • Attila Schuster  • Valentino  • Anita Blonde  • Frank Gun  • Sean Michaels  • Kelly Trump


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