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Casting Vol 2: Madrid

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Casting Vol 2: Madrid

This time we went to Madrid looking for new guys for our films. We were not disappointed at all.Our friends Aitor Crash, Martin Mazza and Joe Groc didn't hesitate to help us test the new guys. They were all very hot!These guys had strong hard-ons and behaved the way we like it: just like pigs! It was pretty hot in the capital...Dirty fuck action, dildos, watersports, sneakers and beer showers.We want our castings to become dirtier and dirtier. We think we took the right street!Enjoy!

Duration: 118 minutes
From the series: Casting
Directed by: Jalif 
Studio: Jalif Studio 

Watch these pornstars in Casting Vol 2: Madrid :
 • K. Chocolate  • Joe Groc  • Aitor Crash  • Martin Mazza  • Louie Pitt  • Roko  • Pablo Sanz  • Gabriel  • Raul Kema  • Ivan  • Rafa Madrid


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