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Killer's Farmyard Buddies

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Killer's Farmyard Buddies

Josef Socher, nicknamed Killer because of his "gentle, friendly personality" and his best buddy, Aleksy Koslov, star in this William Higgins film of life down on the farm in rural Bohemia. There's nothing really bad about these poor farm lads, their only problem is they are horny as hell and are desperate for some action! But where the hell do they get some out here in the middle of fucking nowhere? Fortunately for Killer he can rely on his buddies for everything and there's nothing these guys won't willingly do for each other and especially Killer himself. Josef knows what his buddies really want and he's more than happy to slip it into them whenever they need it!

Duration: 115 minutes

Directed by: William Higgins 
Studio: William Higgins 

Watch these pornstars in Killer's Farmyard Buddies :
 • Lukas Lucky  • Robert Dusek  • Josef "Killer" Socher  • Alex Freizer  • Maxin Rytich  • Jan  • Cristano Dante  • Jirka Gregor  • Aleksy Koslov


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