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Bondage Torments 7

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Bondage Torments 7

Sidney is one tough little submissive. While I set her up for the orgasm bar, she quips on how I am stretching her. I grab a crotchrope, gag her and show her just how much I can really stretch her, with all her weight focused in her pussy. Sienna does a lot of glamour bondage but not much real play in front of the camera because most of the real play sites are into torment play, which she is not into. You can feel the sexual energy as I slowly bind, tease and finally bring the dancer to a screaming climax. I get Wenona alone to play with. I can tie her, set up the wand against her pussy, sit back and watch those muscles quiver as she works herself to multiple orgasms. I do enter to tease her wonderful nipples, tickle her and spank her. Watching her cum is always a treat. Wenona dances on her toes by a crotchrope as I prepare her of a ride on the orgasm bar. In hindsight I should have left her up this way longer. I can't get enough of watching those muscles strain.

Duration: 83 minutes
From the series: Bondage Torments
Directed by: David Mack 
Studio: The Bondage Channel 

Watch these pornstars in Bondage Torments 7 :
 • Sienna Aldridge  • Sidney Graves  • Wenona  • David Mack


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