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Sommer Geil

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Sommer Geil

Eleven pleasure-hungry men want some fun and not just with their traveling mate. Heated up by the summer sun, its easy to get close to someone new. Besides, theyre all hot for cock. At the center of it all is the Latin Lover Keanus. Like a young god, he fucks anything that gets near his magnificent dick. Mario, the housekeeper, gets worked over while cleaning. Together with a friend, Keanus bangs up Andreas on the beach and takes care of them both one after the other. Finally, Keanus even pops the young-blood blond - the innocent lamb named Anton, who loves getting his mouth stuffed.

Duration: 105 minutes

Studio: Cazzo Film 

Watch these pornstars in Sommer Geil :
 • Ben O'Hara  • Cyrus  • Andreas Stich  • Glauco  • Bruno Del Bono  • Tico Martin  • Milton Abdalla  • Chris Fox  • Anton  • Roman  • Mario Perez


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