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Personal Touch 2: Seeking Monogamy Without Monotony

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Personal Touch 2: Seeking Monogamy Without Monotony

Tired of the same old, same old? Go from the fizzle to sizzle with sexologist and Playgirl advice columnist Jamye Waxman as she examines ways to enjoy monogamy without monotony. For couples that want to add spice to their sex lives. Jamye provides fun and simple activities you can try to amp up desire and increase passion.

Duration: 84 minutes
From the series: Personal Touch
Directed by: Jamye Waxman 
Studio: Adam & Eve 

Watch these pornstars in Personal Touch 2: Seeking Monogamy Without Monotony :
 • Abby Ehmann  • Lexi Bardot  • Nat Turner  • Benjamin Brat  • Diane Gold  • Jamye Waxman  • Cary Radcliff  • Veronica Hart  • Naomi Cruz  • Jayna Oso  • Justin Snyder


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